Jump to Section: Early Samurai | Legends of Nippon | Samurai Armies - Save 25% | Samurai Clan Packs | Samurai in the Age of Wars : 16th to 17th Century | Samurai Weaponry | SAMURAI WOMEN AND VILLAGERS
Jump to Section: Cavalry : Fully armoured with helmet unless stated. | Early Samurai Infantry | Early Samurai Infantry | Early Samurai Lords | IKKO-IKKI MONKS
Jump to Section: Ashigaru : Wearing full armour and conical hats unless otherwise stated. | Infantry (figures do not include sashimono banner) | MIKOSKI (Portable Shrine) | Monks | More Samurai Infantry | Mounted Samurai Lords | Ninja | Ronin : all unarmoured | Samurai Banners | Samurai Cavalry | Samurai Commanders | Samurai Horses | Samurai Infantry | Samurai Mon Transfers | Vignettes & Battlefield Accessories
Introducing the first in a superbly detailed range of Samurai Clan transfers suitable for applying to Sashimono banners and helmets of the Ashigaru. (Each set of transfers comes with full instructions how to apply to your figures).
The carrying of the Mikoshi by the Warrior Monks was a sacred and dramatic act and any assault on the shrine was a very serious offence
Jump to Section: BANDITS AND OTHERS | DAI-ONI | Goblin Weapons | GOBLINS | MEDIUM SIZED ONI | Naga | TENGU - (half man-half bird)
The Oni, varying from the size of a small child to that of an 8 foot giant (Dai-Oni) were, usually cruel and lecherous beings with very little intelligence (like some modern day politicians). They carried a variety of weaponry and vary from pink or red to blue, grey or green in colour.
Though mainly physical creatures, the Bakemono Goblin sometimes possessed spiritual and supernatural power. Smaller Bakemono were often uncouth and unintelligent preferring to fight in large groups (this was before football!). Large, or Dai-Bakemono were usually far more intelligent and equivalent to the Samurai, even having some magical powers.